Wednesday, 19 November 2014

final pitch

Influenced films -

-Shutter Island
-Fight Club

A man having an unstable mind set by the death of his family (wife and daughter) in a car accident that was caused by him drinking. It begins with him making his way into multiple shops in london buying strange ingredients such as bleach, deodorant, wires etc. it then cuts to him in a dark room putting everything together, he has a blueprint of a particular building that he has marked out next to him while doing it. The music then becomes very tense and has a close up of of him pulling a mask over his face and loading the bombs into a bag and walking out.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

SE7EN title remake edit

Why i made this edit

This was the first time i used final cut pro. And i was asked to recreate the title sequence of the film 'Se7en'

what i used to make my edit :

  •  Filters - I used these to make my edit look more like a thriller.
  • Intercutting - This is to cut out the unnecessary parts of the video.
  • At least 20 title slates - these are in the order of the original opening sequence and also to prevent copyright issues.
  • Cutting and trimming - this is shortening the clip to get the parts you need.

The reason i did this edit was to further my understanding of title sequences. Also this was my chance to get familiar with final cut pro as i had not used it before.

Dexter edit

For this remake we had to go away in our production teams, and film using our own props. Doing this helped us to understand and develop our skills in things such as camera angles, lighting, shot types and composition. Also we had to make sure we followed the rules of filming, some of these rules were 180 degree rule and rule of thirds. As this was a individual edit the whole group was able to improve our editing skills.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Paranoia Edit

This is our group edit where we tried to use a number of different filming techniques. In the first scene we did not take into consideration the head room which we need to take into account next time. The close up we did was good as we objectified the part of the body. The over the shoulder shot wasn't to bad but to improve we would have to use the rue of thirds and place the main character better. When the actor was walking past the camera i think we got the angle right but could be done better by getting a even closer shot and use the space better. On the final scene we followed the rule of thirds as he is positioned well but could use a better shot type. Although there was a few mistakes this was the first time we used the professional cameras to film.

Thursday, 2 October 2014


Ambience - middle of the day in a rural area and very dull, this give it a tense ambience. Examples wind, knuckles cracking

Foley - emphasises certain sounds you wouldn't usually hear e.g. Creaking door, knuckles cracking, fly.

Dialogue - there is no dialogue in this clip, but explains what's happening through sound 

Emotional realism - 

Establishing sounds - these sounds are usually reduces but as there is no dialogue they are emphasised to help tell the narrative and set the mood. E.g. Fly, wind and creaking door 

Sound motif - a sound that you only hear with a particular character for example when the fly is in the barrel of the gun.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Media notes 18th September

My first go at using final cut,  I learnt how to use filters to make the opening sequence look more like a thriller. Also how to cut photos in. Intercutting. I done this to build a narrative and build the story. Titles are also put on these such as the production company and the main actors will be on their own slate. The reason for titles are copyright reasons

TV Drama - Gender

How we divide society into groups

• Ethnicity
• Age
• Disablity
• Sexuality
• Class (upper, middle, working, underclass)
• Gender

Traits associated with masculinity and femininity, juxtaposition (comparing side by side)


• Alcoholic 
• Tough
• Aggressive
• Sleeps with more than one woman 


• Pure and innocent
• Passive
• Faithhful (fantasize instead)
• Nags and complains 
• housewife (stereotype)

Se7en edit

Why are we editing se7en?

• To understand the software (final cut pro)
• Improve our editing skills
• Trying to create suspense and mystery
• We used effects and filters to show it more as a thriller 
• Trying to tell a story
• Adding titles to make it an opening scene and also for copyright reasons
• Intercutting the clips make them shoter and keep the audience intersted

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Match on Action

Match on Action
MoA is used to show 2 or more different angles of the same scene to make the scene more interesting to the audience. To use it you have to have at least 2 different angles of the same scene and then cut it together to make the movement smooth.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Notes 1.3.1

Head room - how much space you leave above the characters. 

180 degree rule

A basic rule that means characters should have the same left and right relationship to each other

Rule of thirds 

Vertical and horizontal lines that help place characters and background in a scene. vertical lines are for characters and horizontal lines are for actions in the background.

Match on action

Match on action is a type of editing technique which allows continuity on the same scene cutting to different angles of the same shot.

Notes 1.2.2&3

White balance 
Blue and yellow 

Clear and blurry 

What sub genre is this film
Crime thriller 

How is the camera being used to create suspense and mystery?

The camera was going back and forth from characters but never shows the faces, blurred and dark, bright when the fire lights up
Obscures the face, tight shot 

Enigma codes
Questions that are asked and are later on the answer is revealed.
Keeps the audience guessing
Who is the man that committed a crime?

Character types
The guy getting killed looks shifty and knew it was coming
They know each other
The one that's about to get killed is surrounded by petrol and dead bodies
Others actor around him 
You can't see the faces and are dressed in black, 

Sets the story up
Foreshadowing end of the film at the start

What are the 7 common mistakes when people are filming 

Backlighting other than thriller only on the character you want to make mysterious 
Get more of the shoulders and not just the head
Don't use higher levels in every scene
Jogging the camera 
Don't zoom in 
Start recording before acting 
Jerking the camera(sweeping the scene)

Wednesday, 10 September 2014


Bluewater car park is a good place for a thriller film, this is because of the the size of it. Also it has multiple stories and blocks out light. This is good for a thriller as you could build suspense in a area like this.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Media 1.2.1

Sub genre

Phycological thriller - Narratives are usually non linear and are based on a character with a unstable mind set for example butterfly effect.

Mystery thriller - Links to crime and detective films, narrative is restricted. Story is normally a crime that reveals clues through out the film to keep the audience guessing e.g sixth sense.

Conspiracy thriller - Heroic figure set around a business location, this would normally have a powerful organisation involved e.g inception or shutter island.

Crime thriller - A crime thriller would have a criminal offence and the main character would either be a detective or a murderer e.g inside man.

Political thriller - Political thrillers are based on the government and prevention of war e.g V for vendetta.

Disaster thriller - The story plots around a natural disaster. And the main character would usually be a scientist.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

How a sequence sets up a genre

An opening sequence can help the viewers determine what kind of film it is going to be. For example the film 'the firm' has quite a long intro but explains and creates a story very well. There are many things that help set up the opening sequence such as the colour, music and layout.
Music plays a big part in setting up what film it is going to be, for example the opening sequence to a action film would be very fast paced and loud. Whereas a horror would choose more of a slow paced beat, only getting faster when leading up to the scary parts. When setting the genre you have to make sure to keep in with the film. 'the firm' is set around the 1980s so when creating the sequence they used music from around
that time.
The genre can also sometimes be set up by the font style and technical codes such as lighting, camera angles, pace of editing etc.
These types of effects would go well when creating a sequence such as 'Die Hard' because making the scenes almost flash onto the screen you can see that it will be a fast film. Camera angles and lighting would work very well with a horror film because you can make it very dark and                                                                                     get a close up on what is scaring everyone.
Many things can determine the genre of a film, but overall it is how well the people in charge of the sequence do. It is there job to get the viewer interested and explain the story, to show what kind of film it is all before the film starts.

Spoiler Review - V for Vendetta

The plot of V for vendetta begins in the year 2020, where there has been a deadly virus which has killed most americans and Britain is lead by a dictator (John Hurt) who insures security but not freedom. But there is one man who stands against, a man named V (Hugo Weaving) who wears a Guy Fawkes mask. Who on the 5th of November 1605 tried to bomb the houses of parliament. On the 5th november 2020, V saves a Tv reporter named Evey (Natalie Portman) from rape as she is out after curfew. V asks her to join him on a rooftop as he bombs the old bailey courtrooms.
 V goes to where Evey works without her knowing and forces them to play his recorded video all over the city, promising that on the next 5th of november he will attack the parliament building. As he is about to leave a police officer points a gun at his back, until Evey sneaks up behind him and pepper sprays him. While doing this she is knocked and V decides to take her with him. After waking up she tries to leave to stay with a friend but V does not let her as she knows to much about his location. A few days pasts and Evey wants to help V with what he is doing, so she has to go with the bishop who is actually a pedophile. She goes against V and tries to warn the bishop that he is going to be killed, the bishop does not listen until he breaks down the door. During this Evey escapes and goes to Gordon Deitrichs (stephen Fry) house. As Evey is wanted by the police she stays there a couple of days until Gordon realises a comedy programme about the dictator. Later that night his house was raided and he was captured they didn't see Evey as she was hiding under the bed. Until she climbed out the window and attempted to escape and a officer saw. She was then locked in a room
often being interrogated on the whereabouts of V. Evey they sees a little hole in the wall and sees a letter, she becomes attached to the woman in the cell next to her as she shares her whole life and what she as been through. The day finally come where the interrogator says she will be killed if she does not speak, Saying that "she would rather be killed" the guard lets her go and says she is free. Walking into V room Evey is very confused as to what is happening. V explains thats it was him that put her through that because she said she doesn't want to be constantly be living in fear. Evey leaves once again
and will only see him one more time. 1000s of Guy Fawkes masks were delivered all around the city for people to wear on the 5th November. That night Evey returns to V and dances with him, then V says that he has a present for her. walking to the railway V shows her the train full of explosives that he has been working on for years and says that it is her choice to pull the lever. V then walks of and
explains how he has to keep to a deal, which was to take the dictators life and in return Mr Creedy (Tim Smith) could have his. But V does not die and he then kills Creedy also. Once he kills him V takes off his armour and is severely hurt stumbling all the way back to Evey where he then dies in her arms. Her decision is to put V in the Train and pull the lever but meanwhile, 1000s of people dressed in the same costume as V walk towards Parliament and force the soldiers to stand down. The officer investigating V finds Evey and the train just as she about to pull the lever, pointing a gun and telling her to step away. After refusing the officer lowers his gun and accepts was she is doing and Evey pulls the lever to bomb the parliament building.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Spoiler Review - Fight club

The plot of 'Fight Club' begins with 2 men meeting on a airplane. The unnamed protagonist played by Edward Norton, and the soap maker Tyler Durden played by Brad Pitt. They then form a 'fight club' where men go to fight on a regular bases. Edward suffers from insomnia and has to go to support groups as doctors reject him having any medication. He then attends a testicular cancer group after pretending to have been diagnosed, after the first session Norton gets addicted as he seems to be able to release emotion which relieves him from the insomnia. once going to support groups for a while he meets a woman that has the same addiction called Marla Singer played by Bonham Carter. Now going back to when    
Edward and Tyler got off the plane. As Norton is heading back to his apartment he discovers that it has actually been blown up. Not
knowing what to do he rings Tyler and arranged to meet at a bar, after a while Tyler told Edward to hit him, a bit confused and hesitant he hits him and they start to fight. when they stopped they went back to Tyler's apartment which was abandoned and old. The next day they went to the same place and had another fight, this time 2 men joined in and after a while involved a lot of people, and then moved the fights from the street to a basement which forms the 'fight club'.

Marla then starts to overdose and tries to ring Edward, he takes no notice and Tyler answers. Tyler and Marla start to become very close and because of that he tells Edward to never speak about him to Marla. Fight club slowly starts spreading all over the country and become 'project mayhem'. Tyler (the leader of fight club) starts killing, bombing and causing destruction everywhere which Edward disagrees with all of it and tells Tyler that he didn't want it to turn into that, and just wanted to fight.
Then one day Edward is trying to find Tyler, but cannot find him anywhere and has just disappeared. When he decides to go to different fight clubs to try and find him the project manager greet Edward as Tyler Durden. Confused he phones Marla and finds out that actually she knew him as Tyler also, Tyler then appears again in the corner of the room and explains that he (the narrator) is actually tyler the leader of fight club.
After this the narrator blacks out and wakes up tied to a chair in a deserted building, with tyler holding a gun in his mouth and told him that 10 building are going to be bombed shortly. the narrator then realises the only way to stop him is to shoot himself in the cheek which would kill tyler and keep him alive. Marla then finds him tied the chair, after cleaning him up they stand together as the buildings explodes.